I've been making games since I was old enough to use scissors. In high school, I started programming. I won't bore you with all of them, but here are some of my finest creations. They get moved to the top of the list after a major update, so the things near the botom are the oldest.
Unless otherwise stated, everything here should run in a web browser both on a computer or mobile device. Chrome and Edge have been tested the most, there may be issues with others.
WHOZIT? WHATZIT? WHEREZIT? (had some issues with mobile device usability that are much better now)
There is a drawing game we had a copy of years ago called "Who? What? Where?" that was pretty fun, but after we had played through all the prompt cards once, my family decided to make our own home version which also had different (superior) scoring. We've thus played this game for years. During the covid lockdowns, I made this to play online with my friends and family.
Flexagon Photo Album Creator
This little program is more of an art activity than a game. You'll need a printer, some paper, scissors, and tape to make a truly astonishing origami project with your own pictures or artwork featured on it!
Picture Slitherlink
This is a slitherlink (a type of puzzle game) program that is good to use if the answer is a picture. I make puzzles like these from time to time, so I had to make my own client for ease of use. This version comes with several picture puzzles in several different patterns with new puzzles arriving from time to time.
Chicken Wizards (not playable on a mobile device... yet)
A super-fun third-person isometric shooter game for 1-32 players over the internet, and it runs in your browser! Take control of a powerful wizard, goblin, or dragon, and turn your rivals into chickens! You can add AI bots with ease if you don't have enough available friends and want a more crowded experience.
Themed Einstein Puzzles
Einstein Puzzles are a kind of logic puzzle where you have to make associations between different attributes for several characters. When you solve it, you get to read a very amusing modular story (like a Mad Lib). I currently have three themes to choose from: Discworld, Star Wars, and Superheroes!
Reflections in the Looking Glass
I am going to be running a Kickstarter very soon for this simple 2-player abstract card game set in Wonderland. Check out this page to leave your email or play online against some pretty sweet AI.
Dice and Word Game (D.A.W.G.)
I'm a big fan of Boggle (Big Boggle especially). Now if I have a pencil and paper, my friends and I can play this game anywhere for a few minutes.
Wild Prizefighters
This is the online version of my animal boxing card game, Wild Prizefighters. This is a great little card game that I'm pitching to publishers. You can play solo or with tons of people.
Cerberus Dart Game (pdf document)
I play lots of darts and know a zillion games. This one is original, rather fun, and of intermediate difficulty. It also requires three 20-sided dice! ...or a random number generator on your phone, but the dice are more satisfying to roll.
Shuttle Run Unreal Tournament 2004 Level (zip file containing .ut2 file)
I took a class at Westwood College in Unreal Tournament 2004 Level Creation. This was my final project featuring a scripted subway system, and some various rooms with anti-gravity areas or lighter gravity, as well as showing off some interesting 3D modelling and such (there are toilets in the subway bathrooms for example). You'll need a copy of Unreal Tournament 2004 to play it.
Big Axe Bear (downloadable exe for Windows, will likely cause warnings)
A truly addicting Flash game based on the old Odyssey game, Pick Axe Pete. Guide your gold-mining bear through the dangerous mine collecting keys and pick-axes. Don't get squished by falling rocks. I plan on rewriting this in a webpage someday with mobile support since both downloadable executables (scary) and the Flash language have gone the way of the dodo.
This webpage and the programs and media on it © J. Ryan Opp 2010-2022