Einstein Puzzles (named after Einstein but it is unlikely they were invented by him) are a type of logic puzzle in which you must determine the various unique characteristics of several characters (in this case 9 characters) across several atrributes (in this case 8 attributes) using clues that tell you positive and negative associations of various characteristics, such as "The Englishman lives in the red house" or "The Spaniard does not own a dog".
You've probably seen logic puzzles like these before, and solved them with Xs and Os on a 2-dimensional chart. However, making these puzzles quite large and running a solver on a generated puzzle until all of the remaining clues are important can lead to very difficult solutions. These difficult puzzles are much easier if you use a different picture-based method to deduce certain characteristics by the process of elimination.
If there are going to be tiny pictures involved and modular characteristics in the clues, I thought it would be fun to tell randomly-generated fanfic stories in some of my favorite IPs. This web game is the result of that idea. Further instructions are in a slideshow once you start one of the themes below.